I’m Tracy Harwood, the founder and CEO of Rock Solid Virtual Assistants. In 2020, God told me, “It’s time to tell the Rock Solid story.”

I am not a “business person” by the world’s standards; my formal education is in nursing, and before launching RSVA, I was an RN for 11 years. In less than five years, God led me to build a seven-figure business, and He was just getting started!

I am from the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana, and we currently live in Texas. We left MT five years ago, but God is calling us back! I’m married to my High School Sweetheart, and we’ve been together for 37+ years. Both of our adult sons are part of Rock Solid and are entrepreneurs.

That’s the polished picture the world currently sees.

We come from one of the most impoverished, crime-ridden places in the US. I am Native + Caucasian. I was given up for adoption at birth because my grandmother didn’t want an “Indian” child in her family. My mother found me and got me back a few months later. My husband is Native, and I’ve basically lived in the middle of racism my entire life. Make no mistake: this has been empowering and is not about a pity party. This is something God will use mightily one day soon!

I grew up with a scarcity mentality, embraced poverty as if it were equivalent to holiness, and had no ambition or understanding of how to get out of that rut. We did just good enough for people to think we had “made it” and were among the “good ones.” Oh, the illusion of poverty mentality…

My story isn’t the familiar “rags to riches.” My Heavenly Father never kept me in rags! But, while learning to walk willingly and obediently with Him, I did grow from brokenness to wholeness and from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset! I learned that wealth is not demonstrated in bank accounts and credit scores. True wealth is a heart condition, and I’m honored to be able to share this journey with you!