Ephesians 4:11-14

Sharing my journey from scarcity to abundance
My story isn’t at all the familiar “rags to riches.” My Heavenly Father never kept me in rags! But while learning to walk willingly and obediently with Him, I learned that provision is actually found IN obedience! It’s our “Yes!” that God desires. Some days, I say yes enthusiastically and with excitement for the next step in the journey; some days, I whisper it, praying for the courage needed to walk it out.
Throughout the journey of saying YES to my Lord, I found the inner healing needed to grow to the next level. I held tightly onto His hand as we walked through the deliverance needed to take the next step. I discovered peace and joy that comes from leaning not on my own understanding but fully into God and His way of doing things, no matter how unfamiliar or uncomfortable it felt.
Did I stumble here and there? Oh my goodness, yes!! There were full-on crashes!
But as I grew from brokenness to wholeness, I also grew from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset! I learned that wealth is not demonstrated in bank accounts and credit scores. True wealth is a heart condition; it comes with freedom, identity in Jesus, and purpose!
I also learned what had held me in brokenness and darkness for years after I met and fell hard for the Lord. I learned to recognize the vileness of religion and the boxes therein. I began to understand why Jesus dealt so shrewdly with the religious rulers of His time on earth. As I prayed for wisdom and discernment, scales began dropping from my eyes, and the Light began exposing the lies that we accepted and embraced.
God told me that He was taking His Name off of everything that doesn’t represent Him, and I believe we’re seeing that happen in real-time. I pray that we use the “eyes to see” He has given us and continue seeking Him for His Wisdom and discernment.
My heart cries to lead others on this journey—
the journey from scarcity to abundance
the journey from captivity to freedom
the journey from brokenness to wholeness
… and to help them find the love, freedom, and provision God longs to supply!
Why use the term “thrive”?
What does it mean?
To grow and develop strongly
To be successful or fulfilled
Thrive is more than just a name! It’s the life that Jesus came to give us - life more abundantly, joy in the midst of trials, and peace that surpasses all understanding!
where faith in Jesus, leadership, and daily work collide
Before you click away, thinking this is a place for business professionals or “Christian Leaders” only… STOP!
You are a leader, and it’s time to step forward and be who God called you to be! Let’s polish up our leadership skills together!
We all work! Your day may look different than mine, but let’s agree that whatever we put our hands to, we’ll do it all for the glory of God!
Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? ~Amos 3:3
Two To Thrive
This is a phrase God gave me almost two decades ago. Simply stated, it will always take two for me to thrive in anything I do—me and God! He is my only goodness; every good and perfect gift comes down from my Heavenly Father!
I’m Tracy Harwood, the founder and CEO of Rock Solid Virtual Assistants. In 2020, God told me, “It’s time to tell the Rock Solid story.”
I am not a “business person” by the world’s standards; my formal education is in nursing, and prior to launching RSVA, I was an RN for 11 years. In less than five years, God led me to build a seven-figure business, and He was just getting started!
I am from the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana, and we currently live in Texas. We left MT five+ years ago, but God is calling us back! I’m married to my High School Sweetheart, and we’ve been together for 37+ years. Both of my adult sons are part of Rock Solid and are entrepreneurs.
That’s the polished picture the world currently sees.
Encouraging resources
You’ll find everything from how it all started to the Rock Solid story and everything in between! We will grow in faith together as we invite God into every area of life ~
family, relationships, work, leadership, finances, and more!
We delve into the importance of mindset and learn to assess our thoughts, actions, and reactions based on God's teachings. This may require courage, but we can always shake later. We are on a journey to fulfill our purpose as God intended, and our mindsets matter. We will confront and question the limiting beliefs that often go unnoticed, comparing them with the truths found in God's Word.
Are you ready?
Community + BIBLE STUDY
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. ~ Proverbs 25:2
We will dig deep into God’s Word and learn to apply His Truth to every area of life! We’ll encounter the King, the Father, and the Comforter and invite them into every nook and cranny as we seek His Wisdom.
Expect each study to contain actionable items, thought-provoking questions, and life-application points. Completing a good study, agreeing with it, and then walking away is not enough.
“Be doers of the word, and not hearers only. Otherwise, you are deceiving yourselves. For anyone who hears the word but does not carry it out is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror, and after observing himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom, and continues to do so—not being a forgetful hearer, but an effective doer—he will be blessed in what he does.” ~ James 1:22-25
Journey with me to the promised land
I watched The Hobbit again the other night. One of my favorite quotes is from the beginning when Gandalf approaches Bilbao to go on an adventure. Bilbao is NOT interested. He has grown comfortable and loves his little life of ease. He replies, "I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not today!” He calls them “nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!” And yet, he soon finds himself launching out of his cozy home and racing over the hills, shouting, “I’m going on an adventure!”
This adventure is simply… life. The choice is whether you want to go on the life adventure God has for you or choose the one you know… the one that might be more comfortable. Often, fear seeks to halt us in our tracks and stop all forward motion on this adventure God is calling us to.
Will there be pain and trouble? Absolutely.
Will it be easy? Not all the time.
But we grab our Father's hand, seek the voice of our King Jesus, and off we go!